Registration Form

    Main Information

    Child’s Full name in Arabic *

    Gender *

    Parent/Carer Name *

    Security Collection Details

    We only allow authorised adults to collect your child with prior notice from you on the day in question. By giving us the details below Yasmeen Arabic Language centre assume that you give consent for collection of your child from the named substitutes below.

    Health Declaration and Emergency Contact Details

    In any case of emergency do we have permission to seek medical advice for your child? *

    Yasmeen Arabic Club and Classes

    Kindly Choose Term *

    Kindly Choose your Class Preference *

    Kindly Choose your Club Preference * (For ages 6-12 years old)

    Kindly Choose Payment *

    One year subscription on Kutubee App (an Interactive Reading Platform which contains more than 1500 carefully selected Arabic books for all reading stages)


    We hereby give permission for Yasmeen Arabic Language Centre to take photos of our child to use within the school for displays, artwork etc… *

    We hereby give permission for our child’s photo to be used in advertising such as Yasmeen Arabic Language Centre Website, local newspapers etc. *

    We hereby give permission for staff to administer prescribed medication or calpol provided by the parent/carer with written consent. *

    We hereby give permission for Yasmeen Arabic Language Centre to take our child off the premises to go for a walk in the woods, to the shops, to the park or library etc. *

    We hereby give permission for Yasmeen Arabic Language Centre to allow our child access to the school’s computer and internet facilities, with supervision from school practitioners. I understand that all internet sites will be suitable for the age range of the children in the room. *

    Questions to help us get to know your child